Renovating Your Kitchen



 I’ve been there and would love to do it again.  Well, maybe :-)

Here are some things I learned:  

Think Hard About What You Want Before You Start 

The kitchen includes a lot of items. Get snapshots of all the items you are looking for.  Colors, finishes, textures, lighting, even hardware.  Lots of decisions need to be made early on.  Lighting is super important because you can’t know what to use or where to install it without seeing how the lighting affects it.  

Know Your Timing  

We all know the saying, “Construction costs twice as much and twice as long as what we plan.”  In kitchens we have different trades: flooring, cabinets, lighting, plumbing, counters, windows (?), painting, and more.  Each trade has to finish before the other one starts. Be prepared for delays - if the Italian marble or North Carolina cabinets don’t arrive on time, it throws off the other trades. Be prepared to be flexible with your schedule.

The Finished Product

Okay, you can breathe now - deeply.  Kitchens are the heart of the home with guests, kids, pets, everyone in there.  When it’s finished, relax and enjoy.  Not only do you have a welcomed change, but think of the increase in value in your home!  Kitchens (and baths) are very important living spaces and buyers pay handsomely for it.

Have you thought of renovating your kitchen?


A Destination To …?