Should I or Shouldn't I? Buying A Home?
Thinking of buying a home?
Are you thinking of holding off on buying a home? For many this was definitely true in March and early April of 2020. Yet a recent study from HarrisX shows the current events aren't slowing down today’s homebuyers.
Something interesting has happened, while staying at home more, people have been able to save more money. Makes sense - people aren't going out to eat as much, no movies, etc. And this allows you to have a larger downpayment.
In addition, there are so many different types of loans, that the downpayment shouldn't be holding anyone back.
For the last few years I've been continuously telling my clients that "these are the lowest interest rates I've seen."
Well, I'm still saying that. Not to sound like a broken record (what is that you ask???), but it' s true. They have just gotten so incredibly low! So if you could afford a price point of $X a few months ago, you may now be able to afford more, or buy at the same price and pay less per month.
In fact 55% of people polled say they are more optimistic in buying a home. So now is the time to take advantage of the market.
The Duran Reed Firm
Tel. (310) 519-7670
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