New Homes Are Available for You Today

There are more than a million homes being built and completed in this country according to the U.S Census Bureau. Here are a few tips on buying a new home when working with me.

Newly Built Homes are Rising and There Many Options to Choose From

There are still many homes available for you on the market - especially those that were previously constructed and owned by previous owners. However, the market is tight which means it can be challenging to find the home that best fits you.

If you are searching for a newly built home rather than a previously built home, there are many options for you to choose from. The graph below shows the supply of newly built homes that has risen in the past year.

source: Keeping Current Matters (KCM)

Builders/people who work in real estate construction keep an eye on the housing market precisely because they want to avoid a market crash like the housing crash that happened in 2008). Builders want to avoid over-building and having too much inventory. Buyer demand has been decreasing with mortgage rates rising this past year, which means builders have slowed down on new construction. Analyzing the market from time to time has strongly helped builders in the market.

Builders want buyers to buy their previous construction/housing that has been built. They want buyers to buy their inventory that has already been built rather than adding more inventory. Builders want to work with buyers and that is where you come in and get the most benefits. Over the past three months, 83% of builders have lowered their prices, according to a recent survey that was done.

What Does This Mean for Me?

This means that you have more options to choose from when looking for a home to buy. Since builders have done price reductions, that helps you to have more affordable homes to choose from that best fit your budget.

I know of numerous brand new homes on the market that have builder incentives.

We can show you what is available in your area and what prices builders are offering! Call (310) 519-7670.


Eastview, Rancho Palos Verdes Drive Through


Should You Buy a House Now or Wait?