Clara Duran Reed, Realtor, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA

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Who to Contact When Moving

Who to Contact When Moving

I know. There IS a lot to think about when moving. Many moving parts. To make your life easier and not be waiting at your next home for the lights or water to be turned on, read on. And, very importantly, make sure you turn off your utilities when you move. One client forgot for months and got a nasty high water bill for the home she had left. Don’t let this happen to you. So here is the list:

The Post Office. Log on to the US Post Office site  or go to your local branch to fill out a change of address form. This will arrange for mail forwarding.

The IRS. Print out and mail in the IRS' Change of Address form.

Credit card companies. Don't forget about store cards and loyalty programs! Eg, Chase, Bank of America to change a few. go directly to your online account to make sure you’re not giving up precious information to someone else.

Banks. You'll want easy access to your checking account on moving day, and you'll also need to update online banks, retirement funds, and investment accounts.

Utility companies. Arrange for service at your new address, and schedule shut-off at your old address for the end of the moving day, so you'll still be able to turn on the lights and use the bathroom while you're working. (Southern California Edison, Cox Cable, etc.)

Home or renters' insurance. Ask if they cover your possessions during transport, especially if you're moving valuables or electronics in your own vehicle.

Car insurance

Health insurance

Your doctor. Get referrals to physicians in your new area, and have your medical files transferred.

Government agencies. If you have benefits from Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, or any other government program, make sure you notify them of your move.

Phone company, cable, and internet. Discontinue service at your old location and schedule new service. (Cox Cable, )

Cell phone provider

Magazine subscriptions

Clubs or organizations

Department of Motor Vehicles

Voter Registration

Happy Moving!