Making Money When Stocks Are Down

April 2022

People are asking about making money when stocks are down. Above are the YTD earnings for the S&P 500. As you can see there has been no growth. In fact, the surprising aspect is how well the stock market has held up given the significant interest rate increases, inflation, and war in Ukraine.

The Federal Reserve has stated that they plan to increase interest rates at least 6 more times over the next year. They also recently announced they are considering an increase of .50% in their next meeting. This will make it extremely difficult for stocks to grow in this environment and are very likely to contract, possibly substantially! This is why the Bank of America Chief Economic strategist predicted: “no growth in the stock market over the next 10 years.”

The Fed’s extreme involvement in the economy over the past two years due to Covid has been like a sugar high for both the stock and real estate markets. But now, the Federal Reserve is highly focused on getting inflation under control and to do this they must slow the economy.

***The key question is given these economic events; how can you build the wealth and retirement income that you want and need?***

The answer is not in trying to just save more money, the answer is in owning assets that generate exponential wealth growth.

The fastest and safest path to wealth and retirement is through understanding and using the five economic benefits of real estate. Over my long career in real estate, mortgage, and investing I have learned advanced wealth growth strategies that until now have been reserved for only the wealthy and most sophisticated investors.

The stock market has already slowed and it is just a matter of time before real estate sales slow down given the much higher interest rates.

Additionally, if we were to enter a no-growth environment for a protracted period, like the 10 years that B of A predicts, you would still be making upwards of 4% growth in real estate if you are using the five economic benefits of real estate correctly.

To learn more about how you can build wealth and retirement without saving money schedule you FREE in-person or online wealth-building consultation. Call (310) 519-7670 or go to


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