Homeownership: The Heart of the American Dream

For many people, their goals include freedom, success, and prosperity. These values tie in closely to owning your own home and having that beautiful amazing feeling of reaching and achieving the American Dream.

A recent survey conducted by Bankrate explains that homeownership is still part of the American Dream. These results show that at 78%, owning a home is on the top of the list. This bypasses other milestones such as having a career, retirement, and more!

Why is buying a home so important you may ask? One of the main reasons is that is provides financial and physical security. People see homeownership as a way to reduce stress because they will have a fixed-mortgage rate that stabilizes their largest monthly expense.

What comes with owning and maintaining a home? According to a survey by Entrata, only 23% of renters feel that owning a home is too much of a responsibility to maintain and keep up with, indicating that the majority are open to becoming a homeowner and accepting those responsibilities and obligations of owning a home

What Does This Mean for You?

Although buying a home today may seem scary and daunting due to the rising home prices and higher mortgage rates, the long-term benefits can make it worthwhile. Remember, if you are considering homeownership, it is more than just the right step towards a financial investment - it’s a step towards securing your future.

Summary and Bottom Line

Owning a home is the most significant and powerful decision you could make that represents a huge part of achieving the American Dream. If you are ready to take this step, reach out to Clara Duran Reed (310) 519-7670 from The Duran Reed Firm Realtors, who can help guide you step-by-step through the process to help you make your homeownership goals a reality!


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