Clara Duran Reed, Realtor, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA

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5 Things To Do Over the Christmas Break, Part 2!

Today we are going to cover five more things to do during the Christmas Break.  So this is good for you, your family, your friends, and your loved ones.  I know that we’ve all been together for some time now, but let’s make this special and maybe this could be good substitute for a bunch of toys and things that we probably are not going to remember in a couple of months anyway.  

So, on to number 6:  The Redondo Beach Pier.  Have you ever been to the Redondo Beach Pier?  It’s still open.  Go over there - get off of the freeway.  Get out after work, and on the weekends and just go check out this beautiful water.  There are plenty of places to go walking.   You can also head down to the Strand.  It’s right nearby and maybe get something to eat.  Restaurants might be closed, but there is still quite a bit of takeout available.

Number 7:  How about the South Coast Botanic Gardens.  Have you been there?  Oh my gosh, it is so beautiful from the entryway that you go into - surrounded by palm trees.  There are many gardens throughout. Just a beautiful, beautiful place.  And in the evenings, they now have something called “Glow at night.” So there are lots of lights in the trees and the plants and everything.  It’s just gorgeous. Make sure to bring your camera!

Number 8:  Have you tried Descanso Gardens? Over there, there’s something called the reflections and it features a beautiful wishing well, so check it out.  Make your wish for 2021!

Number 9:  How about Cupcake ATM in Beverly Hills?  If you have a craving for cupcakes, this is the place to go while you’re in Beverly Hills.  You can check out the beautiful Rodeo Drive and all of the lights in the area as well. 

Number 10:  How about going to a local ski slope or sledding park?  Now, you can go up to Big Bear and you know, just check it out and be round the trees and go sledding, and it’ll be a wonderful day away. 

Keep checking back for more fun things to do, now and for the future!